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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog: 10 September 2023

Richard Scott Blog: 10 September 2023

Sunday evening was great to see the family from around the north of England. From my Aunty Dot to my eldest niece Shanice. My brother in law Stewart did a traditional South African braai. He even had Kameel Doring wood.

Monday, Joanne and I packed our bags and headed to Joanne’s sister in Oadby for 2 days. It was great to meet Joanne’s sister Clarissa and her family. On our first night Paul and Clarissa treated us to a traditional English pub dinner. The next morning, we headed to Leicester on the bus. We felt like something different. It was fun to ride on a bus again, it’s been a while. We walked the streets of Leicester and had a nice lunch at St Martins. We bought some art supplies as I planned to do some painting with Clarissa’s son Luke. He loves fishing so we did two fish pieces together.

Tuesday night Clarissa made us a yummy Mexican prawn rice dish that was delicious. I found some Brew Dog Elvis juice, which is basically IPA beer infused with grapefruit juice. Andre and I used to buy it in the case load from Woodstock liquors. It was our favorite at the time. Nonetheless we sat around the dinner table and reminisced.

Early night as we had to travel to Pangbourne on Wednesday to see my Uncle Stuart and Aunt Jane. We had a quick lunch with an old friend Richard Shirley. He treated us to a wonderful time at the Astor Grill in Cliveden. It was nice to catch up and later walk the gardens of Astor Manor.

Then it was off to Uncle Stuart. We said hello and it was straight into the garage to do a stock take. I had to prep the works for a light show on Thursday. My old friend and art dealer James wanted to show a few prospective clients the artworks while I was in England.

Tony and Alison poped in to visit us as well and ended up sleeping over. It was great to see them. Before we knew it, it was Friday morning and we were off to Paris. We dropped the car off at the rental company and took the Heathrow Express to Kings Cross to catch the Eurostar to Paris.

England in Photos:

My mom. Proud son

My Aunty Dot

All the family from up North together - Shannon my niece - there is one in every family.

The Famous Shanice

Fields of Gold going back to South Africa after 20 years in England

On the way to Clarissa and Paul, Joanne's sister.

Bus ride to Leicester City Centre

Been a while, like school days.

Thrifting, Angelina Scott style

Amazing lunch at Martins Sq, 5 Star.

Meet Luke, my new assistant.

Saying goodbye to family is always bitter sweet.

Enjoying the Astor Manor after a nice lunch.

Pangbourne here we come

Jane and Stuart looking after us. It was like being at home.

Uncle Stuart treating us to the local Indian. Joanne loved it.

Uncle Stuarts famous Hot Breakfast.

After Breakfast run through Pangbourne. Joanne posting a letter - Angelina, with a stamp. !!!

Meet Paul. He makes the best biltong in the world. Greens Butcher, Pangbourne.

Uncle Stuart doing Uncle Stuart

Our beautiful friends Alison and Tony

Bye Bye Alison and Tony, we love you


One last pint at the SWAN in Pangbourne

Eurostar off to paris

Paris is Pictures:

I proposed "officially" to Joanne and she said yes. I'm a very very very happy man.

Walking the streets of Montmartre.

At Pied du Cuchion, a very famous restaurant. We queed for an hour. I did a Richard Scott and made friends with 2 guys from Normandy while standing in the queue. We tried the crab, frogs legs and snails. You have to do it.

Experiencing everything Paris has to offer.

Lucas and his friend ended up at the table next to us. Great guys.

Nom Nom

And we are off to do all the Cliche stuff.

Got to see her.

Over the River Seine


After walking 10km it was time to use the Paris Metro

Sunday, day 2 we decided to explore our area we lived in. The spot where all the artist draw you. Place du Tertre. Whoaaaaaa very touristy. Not us, but we did it.

The wall of love. Watch this space.

Buying lunch at a Fromage @20 Euro for amazing cheese. Joanne teaching me how to shop. We walked into a super market just after that to buy some water as it's been 34+ degrees in Paris since we got here. The queue's were too long so we walked out. The security blocked us thinking we were thieves. They searched us. after finding nothing they didn't even apologize. So I'm guessing there is a lot of theft in Paris.

Until next Sunday

thanks for reading

r  i  c  h  a  r  d







Previous article Richard Scott Blog: 17th September 2023
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