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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 6th October 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 6th October 2024

Monday, we woke up to a beautiful storm. I saw Joanne off and got stuck into planning the bronzes.

My View

I am planning on releasing all the girls at about hand size in bronze. I kinda wanna take my cool modern colourful style of art and take it back to the bronze age.

I am even planning to do a set of the BIG 5. Elephant, Rhino, Leopard, Water Buffalo, and Lion.

Bronze Ana prototypes.


Mandy is next.

Then the Big 5.

I also took the morning out to print and sign the Sabrina Love Golf Day Prints for the Sabrina Love Foundation in Plettenberg Bay. Chad and I popped in last week, if you remember, and they run an amazing operation to help others.

Me with my glasses and the Sabrina Love golf print.


The Sabrina Love golf day is held every year and they help raise funds for their cause. I sponsored each player a small Richard Scott Print. There were 130 odd players, so now I have another 130 disciples. 😊

I got a wonderful message form Suzy on Saturday morning that warmed my heart.

“Woken with such a full heart of happiness for the whole of our golf day!!! 

So, your painting was first bought for R15,000 by one bidder … a short while after one of the other golfers went to him and asked if he could give him an additional R5,000 to buy the painting for R20,000 for Sabrina .. the first bidder agreed and then gave us the R5,000 he was going to make …


The first bidder is actually a collector of your art and will be on our next Sabrina Love Auction me. he has one of your other box art works.

Everyone just adored your art!!  It added the most wonderful vibe of generosity and specialness … THANK YOU so much Richard.

My battery went flat 😳 so there are lots more photos coming we finished after 8 last night so will collect all the photos on Monday 💞💞

Sending you all the love and gratitude Richard and hope you are feeling wonderful today!

 We so appreciate you!!!!



Suzy and the Sabrina Love Team.

I donated this REBUL Circular piece to help Suzy and Tony raise money.

The rest of the day I finished off the small Circular Gold stencils for a collector in Pretoria. It took a lot of effort over a whole month to lay 100+ layers of paint onto the stencils so I could get the effect I wanted.

Gold everywhere.

Joanne came home and we cooked some crumbed chicken home made style for supper and had an early night.

Tuesday I was up early and off to town for a few appointments in town. I dropped Joanne off and Angelique and I decided to go to Swift Coffee Shop next door to Tamboerswinkel for a change. There was more table space to open up two Laptops and two notebooks and have a strategy and sales meeting.


After the meeting we popped into Deckle Edge and picked up some art supplies before realising Frans in the studio actually needed them urgently to pack the Sabrina Love prints. So, we rushed back home, delivered the foam board to Frans at the studio in Melkbos. We then rushed back to town to our meeting with Brent from Zip Zap. It was great to see him and great to catch up. I pitched our idea to him, a clever little business idea to help raise funds.

Sent Angelina this pic as she loves the coffee at Shift.

The famous Brent from Zip-Zap.

The we were off to see the famous Jacques Lagrange, our good friend and multi award winning Fashion Designer. We caught up and I also pitched our new business idea and he loved it and was in.

And, the famous Jacques.


Whoaaaaa, check this out.

Angelique wanted Sushi for lunch, so we ticked that box off at Grand Pavilion. I have never been. It was a little fancy but nice.

After lunch I was off to pick Joanne up and we were off home.

Wednesday was an admin day at the studio and everyone was in. We tweaked the new business idea and then did the usual full blown Richard Scott Pty Ltd Workflow/Admin/Sales/Galleries/Charities/Projects meeting.

One of the donors for the Stone Dragon event we held came around to pick up her piece of art and to have a studio tour. It was nice to do that again.

Cami and Keevan.

I also ordered some more paper for the printer as I had run out. I needed to get some prints done for Walker Bay Gallery in Hermanus for the season.

The famous Money Tree on a spent High Road wine barrel.

Thursday was Jewish New Year, so Joanne had the day off. We decided to spend the day together as a date day but first we had to meet up with my good friend Mike Eads in Kalk Bay. It was nice to see him. He lost 20kg while stuck in the north of Pakistan for 3 months. Yikes. Lots of news. It was one of those get togethers where 1 hour goes by in 5 minutes.

Meet Mike.

After Mike it was off to town to see David, my therapist. I have not seen him for 6 weeks, so it was nice to catch up with him and open my mind up to him. He really helps me figure out a well-balanced life. He diagnosed me with “Giving too much to other people and not myself.” Eeeek, well I do not know how well you know me but us Scott’s do that all the time. Nonetheless I had to find some time every morning for myself.

After catching up with David we headed to De Waterkant. Joanne insisted I get a haircut as I last had it cut in Dubai about 6 weeks ago.

Me and Yusar. My Hair Stylist at URBAN MEN.

Then we headed off to our lunch date at Joanne's favourite Sushi restaurant Willoughby’s, at the Waterfront. It was good, but I still prefer The WOK Bar off Kloof Street. After lunch we did a bit of retail therapy. We needed some new towels, and Joanne got some work clothes, and I got me some new shorts for summer.

We headed home and enjoyed the nice feeling when you buy yourself stuff.

Friday was a normal day again, but it felt like Monday after Thursday's Jewish New Year.

I saw Joanne off and got stuck into an extensive list of TO DO stuff before 8am when all the staff arrived. I had two hours. I got so much done from 6am to 8am. It is quite astonishing.

When the guys arrived, we were all in the studio. We have decided to do a stock take and do catalogue updates. It was a full 5 hours of work, but so worth it when your done and everything is in order.

Friday afternoon we decided to pop out and get some bath accessories so I can finally connect the two baths in the house. And then off to Checkers to get a few things for Sunday lunch. It was my turn for a theme, so I decided on Hot Dogs 4 ways. Normal Woollies hot dogs that we all grew up with and then smoked chicken to the kids that do not eat pork, then boerewors for the kids that do not eat chicken and then finally vegetarian hot dogs for the kid that does not eat meat. We also got some cool condiments like Mustard and relish and headed home to backgammon and cards on the deck in the sun and enjoy life with Joanne. The sun was out, and the weekend looked promising.

Saturday was run, cook, blog in that order. I am typing this right now on Saturday afternoon while Joanne is prepping tonight’s supper, Beef Stir Fry and also a nice big Lasagna for the kids for university next week.

Nom Nom apple crumble.

I am sipping a beer enjoying life and I will entice Joanne to another round of Rummy to try beat her as she beat me yesterday.

Spending every free moment with the love of my life, Joanne.

After Joanne beat me again at Backgammon and cards we cooked a nice Chinese style stir fry.

Nom Nom. It's like we were in China.

Sunday was a lazy day. I made Hotdogs for Sunday family lunch and the rest of Sunday was even more of a lazy day.

While in the UK last month, Jane taught me to separate and cut up the banana peels to create a separate compost, high in potassium and phosphorus.

Until next week.

r   i   c   h   a  r  d



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