I know I have been really naughty in not giving the BLOG much attention the last two weeks.
With the family and the Germans being here for the wedding Joanne and I have been very busy entertaining.

Lunch at CHORUS with my besties; Joanne, Bill, Shombie, Pete and Eva.

I see you.
You will not believe me if I told you I only have a handful of photos on my phone from last week.
I did get one photo in on Friday morning at 6am with the full moon setting over the sea as I drove into town with my wife, Joanne.

Early bird gets the worm.

Trying to revive a backgammon board that does not want to co-operate.
Nonetheless I did try and get in some “Normal” time. Monday was a trip into town. Tuesday was studio day with mostly admin.

I put this tree up for the wedding and Joanne added in some Eucalyptus leaves. It stayed there all week.
Wednesday and Thursday the guys were all sick with the stomach bug doing the rounds. Even Angela, my sister, got it.
As mentioned above, Friday was town, then a round of golf, and then home for a late night, as we did the auction for SHOMBIES BUS. Shombie helps feed, and school small kids in Khayelitsha. It was nice to be able to help him help others.

Shombie and I discussing business and friendship.

The man himself. Stewart Morgan. Good golfer and Great brother in law. Thanks for dragging me out onto the course.

The kids lining up. Spot the SCOTT.

Nomm Nomm, filling up those tummies.

Eat then sleep or play.

Meet Leonard. He heads up the show at Kids POT. What a beautiful man.
Saturday morning we were trying to get back to normal with a beach run. Then Joanne and I packed art after a nice slow breakfast on the deck.
At 12 Angela and Stewart came over for a braai. They wanted a braai before they went home. It was nice just to chill and spend the afternoon with them on the deck in the sun.

Working like a worker.

Posting pics of the Epic as it is on this week.

The new stickers are out and available.
Saturday night was early night.
Sunday was up early and beach run again and cook cook cook. Joanne was on a mission to cook for the German army. She made Lasagne two ways for Sunday lunch and bolognaise sauce two ways for the kids weekly University lunches.

Spot the Scott at a collectors house in Cape Town.

Sunday lunch with Shombie. Filling his Tum Tum. The lone German soldier left in South Africa.
I did say I would post some pics of the wedding from last Saturday. Joanne and I have only found the time now to go through them. So, I will do them for you in the next blog, 100%.

New profile pic for us.

My Version in Black and White.
Until next Sunday
Thanks for reading and been patient.
r i c h a r d
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