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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 4th February 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 4th February 2024

I decide to do “This weeks old Photo” again.

This weeks old photo is of me and Richie at my 2005 Nursery Crimes Exhibition at Hout Bay Gallery. Richie was 3 and I was 3 as well. LOL.

Messing About like a Boss DAD. Richard Scott Humpty Dumpty in the Background.

Monday I was man alone in the Gallery in Woodstock. I was going against what Tyrone told me to do. “Do not be so accessible”. Someone had to man the Gallery and quite frankly I like doing it. Chad is off on Mondays as he works Saturdays and Angelique fell ill.

Nonetheless, it was gonna be a 1000 items on my tick off the box  kinda day. The gallery was still in a mess. We just have not seemed to recover and pack everything away since Plett in December. We’ve been so busy. But busy is good.

I decided to use the time to post a few cool pictures on Social Media of the Tequila decanter in the boxes.  They are simple cardboard boxes that I spray paint on and give them value. It’s the whole new circular thing I’m hooked on.

White Decanter. With La Gritona Tequila and the Art Box it comes in.

Fun with the boxes and photography.

The perfect circle.

The clock struck 2.30 and it was time to pack up as Joanne was on her way to pick me up. She dropped me off at the Gallery at 6.45am. We were a little early as we wanted to get a good days work in.

We popped into the coin shop to look see at a coin to get Chad for his birthday Saturday. And then we decided to go give blood at one of the Western Cape Blood Donation Centres. Been a while for both of us. Like a year for me and 10 years for Joanne. After that is was home and a nice early supper.

That good feeling when you help someone out who needs something you have too much of.

Tuesday I popped into the Gallery again. Joanne dropped me off again as I needed to pick up my Vespa. It was month end so admin was the order of the day. Joanne and I both had a dental appointment at 3pm and then she went off for a light supper with Dean while I headed home to do some work in the studio for Thursdays Circular Thrifting exhibition.

I only let Raymond work on my Vespa and that's the big boss on the right David.

Joanne come home and we got stuck into that Griselda show on Netflix.

Wednesday I decided to get stuck in at the studio and that lasted 2 hours before I realised there were more important things going on at the Gallery. So I packed up and headed in.

I found the last of the “Charlie” paintings in storage when I was there and decided to bring it home and hang it up on the wall at home. Charlie Charli was a series of paintings I did in 2004. It's based on my first name Charles. Most of you do not know but I’m actually Charles Richard Scott. It is a story that goes back to the days when my dad and his dad had the same first names. So, my dad was then called Leonard, by his second name. The tradition was passed on and I was called Richard Scott. Well that was fine until your high school years when on the first day the teachers would read out names of kids in her class and when she read out Charles Scott, I kept quiet as they would tease me. Charlie Charli Charlie. I was bullied at school until I decided to stand up for myself and fight the bullies. Anyway, there was still sniggers at the start of each school year.

So, in 2004 I decided to get my own back and create the series where Charlie, aka Richard, goes around blowing up the bullies planets. I did 3 works. Here are a few pictures.

You blow up that planet Charlie, I will blow up this one. Acrylic on Canvas. 2004.

Hanging like a BOSS.

Here are teh other 2 in the series. I know Gus Silber has one. Not sure whic one though.


Charlie Charlie. Acrylic on Canvas. 2004.

Anyone See Charlie. Acrylic on Canvas. 2004.

There was a few walk-in clients on Wednesday and a collector from Austria bought a piece.

Far right is Jurgen and his friend from Austria.

Then it was off to pick Joanne up. We popped into the Garden shop in Harrington Street to pick up some Chinese Money Trees. One for us and one for Chad's birthday. Then Joanne and I were off to Stellenbosch to pick up Angelina's car. Angelina was unable to come with as she was checking out UCT for the week to see if it was what she wanted to do.

Vroom Vroom. One happy Angelina. I wore the T-Shirt on purpose Angelina.

We dropped it off with her and she was super happy. 

I made Joanne and I a nice rare fillet steak super salted with Punto Butchery spice from Robertson and Joanne made a fresh Rocket salad from the Garden. It went down well and there was enough for Thursday's lunch and Thursday's supper.

Thursday morning Joanne woke up ill. After some meds and a 130 minute snooze she was suddenly right as rain. So, we raced into town and I dropped her off at work. Then It was off to the Gallery to pack for the Thrift Popup at Fire and Ice. All of the stuff on exhibit was from the “Circular” series where I take packaging from everyday stuff I use and turn it into value buy turning it into art. It was clear that I’m a little ahead of my time. Sean Weldon encouraged me to get into it as he is way ahead of the curve, like myself. So here we go.

POPING-UP. Chad and I.

Circular. Setting the pace.

Becoming my favorite artworks. Graffiti on REBUL boxes. Proper Circular.

Friday we headed into town. Joanne popped into the office to run a small errand and I went to the Gallery to have a look at the new framed Graffiti print that arrived and also the POP-UP Circular Rebul boxes. Whoaaaaa, they look amazing. It was such a busy month that on Friday I was still doing admin. Mostly Tequila recon from Plett and the likes.

Meet Sean. Sean frames my art. Sean is affordable. Very high quality and has my full support. I love supporting business's like Sean. That's it Framers.

Joanne and I went for a nice long walk on the beach to close off the week.

The love of my life on the beach facing South, Table Mountain.

Facing North with the sun on our faces and Africa's only Nuclear Powerstation 3km in the background.

Saturday we were up. Coffee, then helping Angelina get her car sorted with Insurance tracker to helping Joanne buy Chad his 25th Birthday present as he was 25 on Saturday.

Happy Angelina.

I met a very nice man at Point Jewellers in Sea Point called Luke. Luke was interested in hanging some of my Exhibition posters and the likes. So that was a nice surprise.

We popped into to see Mano quick about replacing the RS works on the MANO's Restaurant wall.

Joanne taking a picture of me taking a picture. Hee Hee. At Mano's in Greenpoint.

After that we popped into Checkers in Seapoint. Well that was not a great idea. It was so chaotic.  Clearly living in Melkbos has made us more relaxed. LOL.

We made it home and I popped into the studio to make sure it was clean and neat and everything was in its place. Joanne did some RS Pty admin while I caught up here on the blog. We had to be done by 5pm as we were having supper at Melkbos Kitchen to celebrate Chad's birthday.

Early night as Sunday was lunch with Danila and Enrico 😊


Until next week, thanks for reading.

r   i      h   a   r   d


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