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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 21st April 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 21st April 2024

Monday was a boring admin day with a little bit of studio work. Not a lot of people are available on a Monday. I guess everyone is doing admin. I decided to paint over some old paintings last week.

Golden Uma.

Yellow Bougainvillea is now Golden

Auditors were asking me for some ID photos for the Scott Trust.

Tuesday was more productive. We had our weekly meeting at the studio and then Daron, the owner of Shipments popped in for a studio tour.  If you would like to experience my studio tour contact me.

Meet Daron from Shipments.

Richard Scott traditional pork pies. I will let you know when they are perfect.

We all had my homemade pork pies for lunch which I was told were great.

Wednesday was a really really great day to be a boss.

I drove into town with Joanne and then headed off to Jason’s bakery for a quick staff meeting with Angelique and Chad. We had a 8.30am with Selwyn for a good catch up with everything from tequila to charities to golf to Plettenberg bay. We all decided not to eat breakfast as we all knew that lunch was in Kalk Bay and we were holding out for the fish and chips at Kalkies.

The gang with Selwyn. Beige is apparently the new black.

After Jason’s we headed to Kirstenbosch Gardens where we are thinking of putting the Tree cushions in the shop. They do have a beautiful little shop and Kirstenbosch Gardens is all about trees.

Chad and I doing a Lawrence Graff.

After that it was The Norval foundation in Tokai where there was an Alexis Preller Exhibition on. It was out of this world. I can highly recommend you go. It was world class, and Alexis Preller is one of my favorite South African Artists. He made it. He beat the system. Godda admire that. Been there actually made me feel inspired. I get like that when I go to such beautiful art museums with such beautiful exhibitions of past artists and buss loads of school kids wondering around the foundation. I get like that because its my dream to one day start the Richard Scott Art foundation and do just that. Have the r-building and and and. If you have been to one of my studio tours/talks you will know what I mean. The Norval Foundation makes me realize I will one day have that, I want it now, but I know I have to wait.

I did make lots of notes 😊

Feels like home. The Norval Foundation.

The man himself Alexis Preller.

Angelique and Chad enjoying the exhibition.

My Favourite piece: Angel King from 1971. I was three years old.

Exploring the library and the work of Eddy Kamuanga Illunga.

The second room had a show on by Cinga Samson. Interestiing works.

Then we were off to see the guys at Kalk Bay Modern Art Gallery. Kalk Bay is a beautiful town.

Kalk Bay Modern from across the road.

Nom Nom.

After lunch we headed to Klein Constantia wine farm to check in with Jacqueline. There was a customer that is interested in buying the 2m x 2m red tree that is on display at Klein Constantia.

Always get the shot.

The Red Tree's Sister "Sauvignon Blanc Tree".

Then we were off to go see Nicola at Montebelo where I picked up my Richard Scott r long sleeve t-shirts for winter.

Then off to see Avron to collect the bicycle gloves I ordered for Joanne and I. I picked up some beers from Woodstock Brewery for the weekend and off to get Joanne.

Popped in to see Le Riche at Tamboers Winkel to chat about an event there in June. Watch this space.

We headed off to the Blood Bank to donate some blood.

Doing our bit.

Thursday, we had another studio tour with a new collector. Then I drove into town with Angelique to have lunch with Sea Point Gallery owner Henry. Then it was off to pick Joanne up for a nice long weekend in Greyton. There was this beautiful mist bank all the way from Melkbos to Cape Town.

Meet Henry.

Henry only wears SCOTT. LOL.

Check out the Richard feature wall at Henry's gallery.

It was a nice slow drive to Greyton where we checked into our little Airbnb up on the hill and off to get some basics at the local shop and a beer at the brewery.

Spending time with the love of my life, Joanne.

On our way home we bumped into Alaister Barns and he invited us in for a drink. It was great to catch up with him. I haven’t seen him in ages.

Alaister's treasures.

The Man himself, Alastair Barnes.

Alaistair showing Joanne his work.

Friday morning Joanne and I lay in bed stairing at the mist that covered Greyton. We rented a house that had beautiful open plan windows that looked out over the garden onto the trees and then the mountains in the background. If you know Greyton then you know each house has a massively long plot of land that extends to a long back yard where you can plant vegetables or look after chickens. It really is very English country living with a South African home farming twist.

We enjoyed the morning doing some work as Joanne was working from home. I managed to draft a document about all the charity organizations I help. I didn’t realize it but there are over 50 I have helped out over the years. It is a real heartwarming feeling to be able to use your skills to help others in need.

Joanne made us a yummy simple breakfast with what we had in the fridge. We found HP sauce in the OK Bazaars in the village on Thursday. I have not seen HP sauce for years. I am gonna go back today (Saturday) to go get another bottle to take home. I might buy 2 because I am sure that Carl Smyth is also out of stock and I know he loves his HP sauce.

Before we knew it, it was 12pm and we walked down to have lunch with Alastair Barnes. He invited us for lunch and a business meeting. Joanne and I want to extend our offering of helping other artists in the secondary market. She has developed a great little system. It was great to catch up with Alaistair again. He made us a simple lunch, like we like it and then I got onto photographing his work for cataloging.

The next day. Round two.

Alaistair drawing Joanne.

Some of Alaistair's work.

Love this piece of the Greyton Horse Riders.

Got the shot.

One of Alaistairs's Bronzes that he is so famous for: Blue King Fisher.

One more disciple. Alaistair is converted.

We headed back to our little spot for an afternoon sundowner and just soaked up the house and garden and the beauty of Greyton.

Alister and Tabatha King invited us for a dink at the Post House. It was great to see them both and catch up with them. I stay in contact with Alister often, but we haven’t seen Tabatha for a year or so. She has set up and nice little place to do ceramics.

We said our goodbyes and walked home. It was a 30 min walk but we enjoy the streets of Greyton.

I lit a fire when we got home and started to make supper. Joanne grilled some fish and some tomatoe, onion and chilli in the oven while I wanted to try some homemade fried fish. I shallow fried the fish in tallow I got form Zuney beef. I wanted to see if it would taste like Paul’s Fish and Chips in Darlington where my mom and dad live. It was nowhere near as good.

Grilled Vegetables.

Richard Scott shallow fried fish with home made tarte sauce.

Saturday we walked down to the market which opened at 10am. Straight to the bread guy to get a loaf of his potato bread. Best artisanal bread there is. Then b-lined to the samoosa guy and bought a dozen mixed with his famous spicy sauce. His samoosa’s and sauce are so so good you have to mentally focus on not going back for more. You seriously have to have a talking to yourself, it’s that good.

We bumped into Alister King and his daughter Indi at the market and had a natter as one does and then off to say hello to Tabatha at Clayskyn. Quick coffee, as there was a TRUTH coffee shop there and then off to Joanne’s favorite little clothes shop “Once more with feeling” where she bought two nice items while I sat on the stoep and typed these words on my phone to add to the blog when we’re back at the house.

Waiting for our Truth Coffee, enjoying a localy squeezed fresh juice.

Then off to the old antique store to rummage through. Joanne could easily set up her own antique shop in a place like Greyton. She was at home. We headed back to the house with all our goodies in 4 carrier bags.

Blogging while Joanne is thrifting.

Great find. Nice little dress for work.

An even better find. An original Gucci bag which she passed on.

Always great to see and chat to Alistair King.

Joanne made us a lovely spread which we ate on the lawn picnic style like they do in England. We played some cards and read our books into the early evening. Real holiday relax stuff. Saturday evening we took another long stroll down to the brewery or pub if you like. We bumped into Richard Clark, an avid collector of my art, had a chat to him and just chilled and watched the people walk past. Then off home for a nice early night.

This lady looking after me.

Living the life.

The best bread ever is from Greyton Market on a Saturday morning. This one is Potato Bread.

Roasted Chilli Sandwitch.

Meet Richard Clarke.

Back home doing what I do second best.

Crayfish in Chilly water.

Prawns in lime and butter.

It was nice to wake up to the mountain view on Sunday as Friday and Saturday there was mist until about 10am. We enjoyed a coffee and then decided to get a hike in. We walked into the nature reserve 1 minute from the house and did the 1 hour loop. Back home, shower, pack bags and on our way home.

We popped into Perigreen to get some pies for Sunday lunch with the kids. Then we tried to have a lazy Sunday afternoon. It was cooler in Melkbos than Greyton. The fire was stoked and the backgammon came out.

Until Next week.

r   i   c   h   a   r   d


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