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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 28th January 2023

Richard Scott Blog - 28th January 2023

Monday was just another Monday. Admin and prepping for the end of the month.

Tuesday, I woke up at 5am and by 5.30am I was sitting on the deck reflecting on my notes I made on Monday. I made myself an Espresso and soaked up the view that I had made possible with the sale of my art over the last 20 years. The Espresso got cold quickly and it made me think of how quick in life things can go cold and there was nothing I could do about it except drink the espresso  before it got to cold, just like we all have to swallow life’s cold challenges.  I did my banking and then emails as I do and made myself some tinned sardines on toast. A peasants breakfast. Well at least the toast was self-made malba toast from a loaf Joanne and I bought at Montague earlier in the month. I slice it finely with the Baule meat slicer and freeze our bread.

I’d made arrangements with Angelina to go see some car dealerships and then take her to We Buy Cars so she can get the full experience of how the second hand car industry works. Dad l"ife skills" stuff.

Hendrik dropped me off at the kids as Joanne was at work and my Vespa was in for a service.

It was the first time I ever sat in a car with my son driving and my daughter in the back seat. Proud moment. We headed to a good local car dealer, Steven Johnson, and I showed Angelina how to do it and what questions to ask the salesman. Things like: take a photo of the license disc of the car you like and phone the dealer for a service history record. Something Joanne taught us all.

Then we went to see a few more and then off to pick up Angelique at the Gallery as I invited her with as she has a good knowledge of cars. All that was missing was Joanne.

Chad gave Angelina some “streetwise” advice on what to buy and what not to buy. Then we were off. It was a great experience showing the kids how to do it. After we went though about 400 cars we headed back to the Gallery where Richie dropped us off.

I did some Gallery admin and photographed the yellow Ana decanter I did as a possible solution for Danilo’s Limoncello that he wants to make.

They call it Limoncello.

3D printed cork design.

Deon Bing popped in to say hi and talk Tequila. We traded news of what happened over the festive season and what his and my Tequila plans were. I took the famous Richard Scott photo and Deon decided to feature one of his Bings Brew Kegs in the photo. Woodstock brewery brew Bings Brew for Deon and it’s a lovely light English Pale Ale.

Messing about with the Bingster.

At 2.45pm Joanne picked me up and we headed to the apartment as some furniture was being delivered.

When I got home, I packed my bags for the Johannesburg trip on Wednesday. I don’t normally pack the night before, but I had to be out the house at 6am. Then it was early to bed. I think it was still light outside.

Wednesday I was up super duper early and off to the Airport. Hendrik picked me up this time as I’d rather give him the money than an Uber driver. Besides Uber is still a problem in Melkbos.

I got Angelique at the entrance to othe drop and go at the airport then we were off. This was also the first time we had ever checked in a suitcase. It was filled with Art and Tequila.

Dry toast for an upset tummy. Blah.

That pic. All aboard.

Always take the picture.


I did a lot of WhatsApp’s on the airplane. I asked Jo-anne Harris if she would help with the Stone Dragon works on Auction. I then messaged Mano to discuss the replacement of the works in his restaurant.

8am take off, 10 am land then off to our Johannesburg Home Base, Andy’s house to drop off the bags. Andy was looking good. After about and hour of catching up I asked him why he is his still in shorts and slippers and not at work. “I’m retired Richie” came out his mouth.  “Well that’s news to me” I said and then congratulated him.

Andy made us lunch as Angelique and I were supposed to deliver two Candy Tequila decanters to clients. But, as I opened the box to show Andy the Candy decanter I realized, in his haste yesterday, Chad had not put the white roses in with the decanter. Angelique sprung into action and they were delivered overnight. So, we had some time to kill. Andy offered to cook lunch for us, as he always does. He made us Spaghetti Arabiata. It was good as always and I even went for seconds. NOM NOM.

Personal Chef. LOL.


After lunch we popped out to our 2pm meeting with Tyrone at Eye Art. Tyrone is a huge supporter of my art and my career. However, he always kak’s me out. I have to argue my point and Tyrone never gives up, cause he’s right. So, I decided to listen tentatively, which is very hard for me, and make notes about this wonderful advice from a wonderful and wise man.

The Man himself. Tyrone Selmore.


So I am gonna implement a few new things. You might notice them, you might not. So here’s to 2024 and a different Richard Scott.

Tyrone then spoke of a launch in his new space in Dainfern. We discussed an activation in the comming months and also finally the introduction of the large My Girl bronzes.

So 2024 will be the year that I do that.

Time with Tyrone goes so quick. 30 minutes turned into 1 hour and then 1 ½ hours. Fascinating conversation.

After Tyrone we popped over to Morningside as there is a Turkish barber there and I was in desperate need of a Haircut and some waxing and threading. It's always nice to look after yourself. Angelique popped into Sorbet to get her nails done while I spoilt myself.



Then it was off back to our Johannesburg home. Chef Andy was wanting to cook for us again but there was load shedding so we went to our famous little Italian SALE E PEPE, the food is really good.

Before we left for the restaurant, Andy and I played best to 5 Backgammon and he just beat me.

Rob joined us for supper and Masimo looked after us like we were family. The food was NOM NOM. Then early night as we were dining with retirees. LOL

Good food and good people. Massimo, Andy, Rob and Angelique.

Thursday morning, I was up early again. I made myself some coffee and did some banking after a long early morning call to Joanne to check in. She had a busy day ahead. It took me a while to get all the banking done as it was payday and end of month etc.

Looking good even in the basin.

Spot the "MAGNETIC VESPA" Scott.

I popped out to run an errand for Joanne at about 9am while Angelique stayed home and waited for the Tequila roses to arrive. She packed the roses into the boxes and then she Uber delivered them to the clients.

After that it was early lunch time as Andy was slaving over the stove making us his famous bolognaise. He taught us a new trick by putting in pork sausage meat into the mince. Eight bangers to 1 kg. It made such a difference.

Learning how to cook. Andy taught me to put a packet of Woolies pork sausage meat into your bolognaise.

I invited Brett Bailey for lunch and Rob was there as well. We all caught up and before I knew it was time to go to the airport to catch a 4pm flight home. We said our goodbyes and I took the photos for memories.

As always I bumped into many people I know at the airport. This time it was Rob from Xxcic and Gert Viljoen, a collector of my art and Sam, a lady who wants to partner with me and her mammogram company in Johannesburg.

Time with friends. Andy, Rob and the famous Brett Bailey.


Old, best and new friends.

If Brett Bailey loves it, then you know you cracked the code.

Best Friends.

Bumped into Rob at ORT.


Then it was all aboard and here I am 10 000 feet in the sky typing this week’s blog. Well at least up to Thursday.

Almost home.

I Ubered home from the airport and it was nice to be home and see Joanne. We had an early night.


Playing with filters. Cos I can.

Friday, Joanne worked from home again. I made us some yummy coffee and we worked away on our laptops making money to provide for our families.

I had a lunch with Harold and Simon. Joanne joined us. We decided to try the new TIME OUT MARKET at the Waterfornt. It was a great experience. It needed a bit more ambiance of some sort. Not sure what. But we had a great time and it was great to catch up with Harold and see Simon again before he headed back to England.

Lunch with Harold and Simon.


After That Joanne and I headed home, and binge watched some Netflix.

Time Out with Joanne, the love of my life.

Saturday was up early and off to do to final touches to help Angelina buy a car. She had done all the groundwork over the week with Richie and now it was time for THE A-TEAM to step in.

Angelina knew what she wanted, and we were off. We got hold of 3 dealers with 4 cars and by 1pm we narrowed it down to 2. All 4 were suitable, but it was now up to Angelina to choose which of the two she wanted. The task of THE A-TEAM was done, and all Angelina had to do was go home, sleep on it, and decide in the morning.

After Car Hunting Joanne had a brain wave and opted for PUNJAB for lunch. We parked the car in Dalla Cia’s parking lot, said hello to George and popped over the road for an amazing authentic Indian lunch at PUNJAB. Try their delicious traditional Indian freshly made drinks while you there.


Chilliy-ing about.

Always eat good food with good people.

After lunch we headed to the nursery to get a Money Tree plant for Mahdis for her birthday and a few herb plants for home. Then we dropped Angelina and headed back for a quick afternoon nap before we headed to Mahdis’s party in Sea Point.

It was great to see Mahdis and eat her delicious Sushi. Also, to meet her friends.

We left after 90 minutes. Will still only got home at 10.30pm. We watched a bit of Netflix, as Joanne is enjoying a new series. Then off to bed.

Sunday was a lazy day. Planning Italy, breakfast on the deck, ironing, blogging, making red Thai curry and watching more series.

Have a great Sunday evening and don't forget Thursday night.


See you there.

Until next week

 r   i   c   h   a   r   d


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Next article Richard Scott Blog - 21st January 2024

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