Playing Cards on the couch last Sunday Afternoon. Winters on its way.
Monday I was in the studio cutting up the road signs that I used outside the shop in Woodstock. They were slightly damaged after taking them in and out the shop for the past 3 years. I want to use them for that new series I am trying.
I wanted to try use the Camera Man works I did in 2005. I remember exhibiting them at World Art in Johannesburg when Charl Bezuidenhout opened there. I used my old phones and Sony cameras to make these pieces.

I took this to Joshua and he approved of it. Yeah.
There is a handful left that I kept in storage. Each time I look and rummage through the storeroom I still can’t believe I did all these different series. If I think back I kinda only remember the candy and tree works when in fact I did over 10+ different series
- Camera men
- Nursery crimes
- Supercars
- Hypnotic
- Vespa Joyride
- Cape Epic
- Desmond Tutu
- Studio series
- Construction series
- De Stijl series
- Brick Works
- Beauty and the Beast
- DJ series
- Graffiti series
I remember them all fondly.
The rest of Monday was ticking boxes. I like writing down what I need to do/accomplish each morning. I like it even better when I get to cross off things done. I read once that successful people do this. I think it was Richard Branson in his book Screw it Lets do it.
Joanne came home early Monday afternoon and we had an early homemade chicken broth supper.
I needed to do some Tik Tok content, so Joanne and I played backgammon on the new Richard Scott backgammon board I made. It was the 2nd one I made. It is designed to be a cafe style board. If you want one let me know. The are R100 000 each ex VAT.

Ok, so the box is hand made by John Hargitai. I then glue a cut up original Road Sign in each side. I then spray a Girl on and outline her. Then I glue in the small 3D printed girls that act as the "Points". Then I pour in some more resin. Richie 3D prints the "Stones" which are the black and white pieces you play with. Even the cups are 3D printed with a matching girl printed in.
Tuesday I was trawling my Instagram looking for an old photo and I came across a few photos of an old friend Richard Thomas.

Richard and I having lunch in London. He was always very smartly dressed.

Richard arranged for me to paint a wall at a school that Nial Mellon builds each year.
Richard was the guy who took care of my car when I used to travel to London so often back in the days. Thanks to Richard I got to drive every super car designed. I would arrive at T5 at Heathrow and there was my ride. From a Ferrari 358 to a Lamborghini Urus to a Porsche GT3.
I became very good friends with Richard over 15 years and I even introduced him to Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu.
I’m not sure why I’m only mentioning it now but Richard passed away last month at age 47.
It was devastating news. Such a beautiful human being. No words can describe it. I will miss you Richard.
Tuesday was meeting day. The guys came over at 8am and before we knew it, it was 3pm.
We had a really good session. The guys decided that I should re introduce the portable studio tour now that I have started the normal studio tour again. So I will draft a catalogue to follow.

A few Studio Shots.

Some small works getting a new lease of life.

The little candy and tree prints are very popular.
Henry had a collector looking for some used graffiti stencils in gold. So we went about applying about 10 coats of gold to them to give them a cool Duco look. Joanne came home and we had an early tuna salad for supper with onion. We were both a bit tired. Joanne managed a road run while I finished up in studio signing some prints.

Great news on Tuesday as we heard Art Eye Gallery in Johannesburg sold this piece to a new collector.
Wednesday was outing day. Chad picked me up in town and we headed out to Diemersfontein wine farm for our Wednesday meeting. Diemersfontein was nice, but to quiet so we tried James Sedgwick Distillery. You have to make a booking there so no luck either. Angelique suggested The Spice Route. So we were off there.

Quick Coffee with Joanne. The love of my life.

Always get a takeaway. On the road with Chad.

Diemersfontein was nice and quite so early in the morning.

Rain check as we did not book. Will report back.
I went straight to see Tina and Neil Jewel. They own and run JEWELS, the flagship restaurant. It was great to see Tina and my good old friend Neil. We stayed for lunch and had a good catch up. Our daughter’s, Angelina and Ellie, have become good friends at University.

The famous man himself Neil Jewel.

Nom Nom. Miscommunication on my side. I wanted pork but got chicken which was so delicious.

Victor, our waiter.
Artist Rian van Zyl had an exhibition on at the The Spice Route. It was great to meet him and have a chat Artist to Artist. Its not often you meet artists that you can openly communicate with. His work is really awesome.

Meet Rian.

Chad taking a pic cos he loved this piece so much.

Rian's portraits are beautiful.
After the grapperia we popped into see if Dewald was still the head brewer at CBC brewery. Candice the lady at the front desk told us he had moved to Mauritius. While there I got chatting to a guy called Joe who was a bus driver in Manchester. Very funny guy. Reminded me of Carl Smyth. I invited him and his wife Anna for a studio tour. So next time I’m in Manchester I’m gonna look him up and go for a bus ride around Manchester.

I Love Grappa. Its all Wayne Imbrolio's fault :)

5 Different styles. Did you know that Grappa is made from the grape seeds after they have been pressed for wine. Back in the 14th century they used the seeds to eliminate wastage.

Good Beer.

Meet my new friend Joe. See you in Manchester on bus 15 Joe.
Then we were off home. Mission accomplished.
Thursday morning, I saw Joanne off in the dark. Winter is knocking on the door. I got a fire going and made a cup of tea. Joanne sent me a photo of the sun rising over the wetlands so I returned the favour with a similar photo of my view overlooking the sea.
Thursday was end of the month stuff, so lots of admin. I did manage to finish the gold stencils and rework some old paintings. DJ Black Coffee posted a reel on Instagram of one of my candy pieces in his collection. I thought it would be a good idea to post the DJ series I did way back in 2010. These are individual prints of the work I did. The original is owned by a German collector and friend Achim Spelling.
The agreement with Klein Constantia wine farm, with the two large tree paintings, also came to an end. It was nice to have them back home. They really are nice pieces, if I may say so.

I have not done this in ages.
Friday morning was another day trip with the staff as we explore better and more fun and informative ways of doing business. Joanne dropped me off at Chad where I put all the goodies for the road trip into the boot of Chad's hire car. You probably wonder why I always mention Joanne dropping me or Chad fetching me. It’s because I do not own a car. I sold all my cars during COVID and decided not to get another one until I can buy myself a Lamborghini Countach. My favourite car ever. I had the chance to drive and buy one back in 2010, but I decided to invest the money into my business instead and launch my prints.
Ok so Chad and I were off. It was 7am in the morning. We picked Angelique up and checked our list for the day:
- Coffee at Banana’s in Pyjamas
- Quick foundry tour with Ruan at Lost Wax Foundry
- Pop in to see Henry at Art Curate at Lourensford wine farm
- Hermanus
- Lunch with Joshua Rossouw
- Stellenbosch
- Bertus Basson at Die Kantien
- Hells End Bike shop
- Anton and Elsje at Art and wine
- Home
Angelique took us to her favourite coffee shop Banana’s in Pyjamas where we had a nice light breakfast and a coffee. Can highly recommend them. Then off to see Ruan at The Lost Wax foundry to discuss the Richard Scott Bronzes. He gave the guys a full tour of the foundry and showed them the whole process on how bronze is made the lost wax process. Its really nice to meet transparent and knowledgeable people.
After the tour we headed to see Henry at Art Curate. That is his gallery in Lourensford Wine Estate/Farm. Very cool to see him and catch up. It's been ages.

Meet Henry.

Messing about with this huge Anton Smit.

Disusing Richard Scott Bronzes with Ruan.
We then got onto the road and headed to Hermanus to see Joshua. He invited us for a lunch at his home on the hills of Hemel and Arde. He truly has a beautiful place.

Working in the car.

Yeah, finally at Joshua's spot in the hills.

Spot the SCOTT.

And another one.

Our own personal chef. NOM NOM.

Leandro joined us for lunch. He is the new artist Joshua has taken on. Go to and check it out.

Chad helping Joshua with the umbrella that blew over.
We had a great time well into the afternoon and then headed home via Stellenbosch to drop of Bertus Basson’s new Richard Scott.

The man himself. Bertus with Angelique and Chad at Die Kantien.
Saturday was Deans 20th Birthday. The family all went out for breakfast except me because I was ill. Blah. Saturday morning was a waste of a day so all we did was read books on the couch to make up for it. Its always great to read a book to make your day feel better and complete and like you are on holiday.

Me trying to make Paul's Fish and Chips. One day I'll get it right.
The weather on Sunday morning couldn’t make up its mind so we decided to go for a quick run on the beach while the sun was shining. I quickly lit a fire, before we went, to give the house a heart as Angelina was sleeping over. While running, the weather made up its mind and within 30 minutes the sea turned from a nice green blue to dark grey.

Walking on the beach with Joanne.
Nonetheless we got the run in and settled in to a nice easy Sunday. I wanted to make a nice vegetable soup with all the kale over growing in the veggie garden. Joanne potted around and decided to finish her book. We also want to spend some time on our little Auction business and extend the offering of prints and the like to other artist Joanne is investing in.
Angelina joined us for a late brunch in the lounge. I finished of my blog and got stuck into a book for the rest of Sunday.
Until next Sunday
r i c h a r d
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