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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 19th May 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 19th May 2024

I am not sure what your Mondays are like but I kinda remember a time in my life when I woke up each day and kinda only knew what day of the week it was based on weather the kids had to go to school or not. I used to get up at 4/5am and go down to my studio and just paint and create. Only when one of the kids came into the studio and said “It's breakfast time Dad” did I connect with the rest of the world and realize it was a week day.

But these days, with no kids around, and being 55 years young, I keep a track of time for some reason. I even know as I type this that’s it's Monday the 13th May 2024.

I did a Instagram and Facebook post of Candy Mandy and wrote a small blurb about the model or “The Muse” as some people call her.

Here’s the post for those of you not on Instagram or Facebook

Candy Mandy, 100 x 100cm. Impasto and Acrylic on Canvas.

Ok, so many people ask me “who is the muse?”

I did not really even know what a muse was till I asked the first person who asked me “Who is the Muse?”

Here is a description from the web:

”MUSE: As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration. In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person who serves as an artist's inspiration.”

Some people even embarrassingly ask me is that your partner. So no, its not my partner!

The real story goes like this. In around 2005 I paid one of South Africa top artists Leah Hawker to take a lot of photos so that I could own the copyright of the image and reproduce them. I do not actually know who the model or “Muse” is, but Leah kindly agreed to take some photos for me.

I then print them out and do doodle-tracing in front of a glass window. Once that’s done I re-print and re-doodle until I have the desired effect. I use a lot of Tipex. Remember that stuff?

Be it thin waste or perky boobs. That’s the real creative process – manipulating what you see to suit yourself and your style. Just like Van Gogh took Gods creating of a starry night and made it his own.

So here is Candy Mandy, a work I created for myself in 2022, and my future foundation, as I have very little works of my own.

Can you spot the signature? It's in reverse. In 2022 I switched from creating wooden    r-i c-h-a-r-d   stamps to asking Richie, my son, to 3D print the stamps. He mistakenly, like me in 2002, printed one that read    r-i-c-h-a-r-d    

This piece is incredibly unique and a combination of me joining Ana and Mandy. I hope you make the effort in the future to come see the Richard Scott Art Foundation where this piece will be displayed (Behind Glass) LOL

Thanks for reading.

A client sent through a photo of the prints he hung.

Spot the Scott at Russel Kaplan Auctions.

Candy Uma sketch and 3D print.

My 2nd best skill.

New works. They are all available.

Tuesday, I was in town for a staff meeting. I got to town early so I walked the streets near Kloof street for an hour before meeting the guys at The Local for a coffee and a staff meeting. Then it was time to sign a print at ORMS for a client at Hout Bay Gallery. We then had a meeting with Takealot as they showed an interest in my merchandise. So looking forward to that partnership. Then it was off home.

Took this pic and sent it to Joanne while walking the streets of our beautiful city.

Spotted this poster and sent it to Angelina. See you there.

Work work work at The Local.

We had time to pop in and see Henry at You and I Gallery.

Signing a large print.

Embossed Stamp.

The Pencil.

Tuesday evening was time to prepare for the Germans. They were coming. Shombie and Robin came for supper and stayed over the night. It was great to see them and spend time with them. Shombie and Robin are here to help an iniative out in Mitchel'ls Plain called Community Kitchen. Community Kitchen is run by Leonard and his wife Amanade where they house and feed 70 children every day. It's astonishing how they do it. Shombie comes over twice a year and helps fund the organization.

Supper with friends. Order mit mein Freunde.

Robin showing me his stickers.  He passed the Richard Scott Disciple test.

I organized a safari for the guys.

Wednesday morning I planed on taking the guys to see the setup at Imibala in Somerset West. Imibala was set up by Mrs Rupert. We jumped in the car and were off. Theo, the CEO of Imibala, showed Shombie and Robin the entire operation. It is very impressive what they do.

After a mind blowing tour by Theo, Shombie treated us to a nice lunch and then we were off to Mitchells Plain to see Shombie and Leonard's setup. It was quite scary going deep into the heart of the township in Mitchells Plain. I got to meet the 70 kids and Leonard had arranged that I paint one of my artworks on his wall. Then it was time to head out and back home.

Theo showing us the Dance Theater at Imibala.

Imibala Art Gallery.

Messing about.

This pic was from lunch the previous day at the Time Out Market.

Got the pic.

Township life. Buzzing.

Painting with Shombies daughter Luzanne.

Shombie and Leonard.

Shombie and Robin, once again, invited us and Leonard and his wife and family to supper at The Cod Father in Camps Bay. It was a great experience and to eat with them all.

Joanne and I uberred home to Daniel's spot in Greenpoint for the night “Cape Diem”.

Thursday morning I dropped Joanne off at work and headed home.

Friday I decided to go for a road run with Joanne to try break the fatigue. It worked. We both worked through the morning, Joanne doing what she does best and me in studio.

The kids came over for the weekend and week as the are on study leave from University. It was good to see them and spend quality time with them.

Friday afternoon Joanne and I binge watched that new series on Neflix about the exposure of Ashley Madison.

Working. Routing r  i  c  h  a  r  d  into a wooden sculpture.

Some new little dinky cats.

Supper for the kids.

Saturday was a lazy day at home after a long beach run. We did a lot of cooking to spoil the kids. I even made my own corn cakes and tortillas.

Sunday was another lazy day. All the kids came over for a family Sunday lunch to celebrate Daniella's 20th birthday tomorrow. Joanne and I made 3 different Mexican dishes. It went down well.

Sunday Lunch. Happy Birthday Daniella.

Now I sit here typing to you while they all talk and play games around the games table talking and playing Uno.

OKIE DOKI, time to sign off.

Until next Sunday.

 r  i  c  h  a  r  d


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