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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 15th September 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 15th September 2024

Monday was very interesting being back home and getting back into a routine. It took me a little while after being away for three weeks. It was basically ticking off boxes. That was the only way I could get going.

Tuesday, I decided to go to Plettenberg Bay to see Sue and Tony from the Sabrina Love Foundation. We did a small auction with them to help raise some funds for their charity. The trip took 7 hours in the car and we drove straight there. Sue and Tony gave us the tour of the school and facilities. It was truly astonishing what they do to help other less fortunate people in need.

And we are off.

Sent Joanne this pic as a memory of our time with Andy in Fynbos.

We got to meet all the kids and the staff as well. I will be working closely with them on various small projects.

Meet Mvuyu. He can type and draw with his mouth.

I got a wonderful gift from Aphelele and Ntlantla. Such an honor that they drew for me.

My own Richard Scott

Quick pop in to the Plett Market.

Meet Dionette form the Gallery in Plett. Were going do a talk at the end of the year.

Tuesday night we were treated out for supper at The Fat Fish. I took Sue's advice and ordered the Parmesan encrusted fish. It was delicious. Gonna try that one at home.

Great evening with Chad, Sue and Tony at The Fat Fish.

Wednesday we were up early and popped in to see Dionette at the gallery. We made some plans for December and were then on our way home. We had to stop at Tops Beacon Isle to get the traditional Bacon and Egg bun that served us all so well in December 2023.

My morning view.

We got the feature on Sabrina Loves Instagram account.


We drove back via the N2 compared to going to Plett on the N1. Not sure why Waze took us that way. Always check Waze Joanne would say.

Quick stop to get a nice curry Roesterkoek.

Meet Ignatius Marx and check out his amazing pastel of an Elephant Bull.


Wednesday night we hosted a small auction for Stone Dragon which was very successful.


Thursday Joanne popped into work and I got on with planning for our next trip to the UK and Germany. Shombie has a plan for me to become even more famous in Germany.

Friday Joanne worked from home and I caught up with packaging and allocating items for the Stone Dragon Auction winners.

We wanted to leave early morning and head to Greyton but were bogged down with packing and allocating and shipping. Thing’s happen in mysterious ways as It was nice to get stuck into admin again and being a boss and getting it done in 2 hours compared to 2 weeks.

We finished up around 12, packed our bags, and headed to Greyton. I have been nominated as Greyton Art Walk Artist of the year for 2024 and had to do a talk to 30 plus artists on Friday night. Chris Cloete, the owner of Via’s restaurant in Greyton and the organiser of The Greyton Art Walk, hosted us for the weekend.

Second home with the love of my life, Joanne.

Joanne posing to send her sister a pic of the gifted takkies she gave Joanne.

Nom Nom lunch at the local Pizzeria.

The talk went well. I was a bit nervous to start, but found my rhythm after 20 minutes. The guys allowed me to talk for 90 minutes. Normally I last about 45 minutes based on the room, but these guys we very hungry for any info on how to become successful.

The wonderful artists of Greyton listen to me tell my story. Such an honor.

After the talk Joanne and  I decided to celebrate with a glass of wine. For some strange reason we ended up in The Greyton Post House with an awesome bottle of Hamilton Russel Pinot Noir in front of a beautiful romantic fire. It was worth all the hard work of the week in Plett and then talks etc.

Post House Pic.

Saturday morning we woke up at 9. Ooops, the market starts at 10am and Joanne was excited to get there early to get a slice of the FAMOUS GREYTON BREAD MAN’s Rye. Its R45 for a ¼ of a loaf. Its oh so delicious. Oh and Joanne spotted a invite for a workshop to spend 2 days with him to learn how to make bread at R2200 per person. R4400 later we we in for October 11th. We will report later.

Then we popped to go see the the Belgian with the worlds best samoosas and spring rolls. He gave us two more clues to his magic sauce. He mentioned Coriander and Dhanya. Ha, we're gonna get him. LOL.

We scoffed 2 of each while soaking up the  sun on the bench. The day was turning out very well with the weather. We managed to get going again and then walked the rest of the market. I got the famous ginger beer and then we walked the rest of the town.

We ended up chatting to Chris from Via’s about Auctions and other. That lasted 2 hours and then it was time to go see Jill at Joanne’s favourite shop to get something for the Greyton House Auction that night.

It was great to see Chris again and spend some quality time with him.

Joanne decided to have a nap while I caught up with the blog. We then got dressed and headed to the town hall for the function. The function was great. They raised a lot of money for the cause.

Each of the Greyton House Charity auction attendants got a Richard Scott Key-ring.

Sunday we woke up and were on our way home. We got the pies at Peregrine and headed home to a Peregrine Pie Sunday Lunch.

Until next week

r  i  c  h  a  r  d








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