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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 2nd June 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 2nd June 2024

Monday was an awesome day. I got stuck into planning a new project while avoiding admin.

My messy cupboard in the studio got a good clean on Monday.

Sending Angelina the daily morning pic.

Tuesday followed the same, with a little bit of studio work.

I also gave the go ahead to the bronze foundry to produce the first mini Bronze My Girls.

My new vase concept. Watch this space.

Wednesday was VOTE day in South Africa. Joanne and I decided to rather go later in the evening as the poling stations only closed at 9pm. We just potted around the house and did a little work on our little Auction business together. Later on, we took a walk down to the library to vote. Surprisingly, we had to wait about an hour in the queue, but it was worth it. It is the first time we voted together. Although we both voted for different parties it was still a great feeling to vote. We took a slow walk home and had a cup of tea by the fire discussing the outcome of the elections and then off to bed.


Spotted this at a collectors house. Good old memories.  Here is a link to the first ones I did in 2003.

FTV.COM. One of only two pieces I did in 2003.

Thursday was a beautiful rainy day in Cape Town. Waking up to the rain on the tin roof brings back lots of good memories as a kid. I kicked the day off by lighting a fire, making Joanne and myself a cup of good coffee and then seeing Joanne off to work.


Completed this piece for a client this week.

Chad came over for the morning and we got stuck into that new project I have been speaking about. It is an extension of the secondary art market. It is a bit hush hush as we want to be first to market. News to follow.

We strategized and came up with dates to launch.

Hendrik and Chad went out last week and collected three van loads of large off cut blue gum logs from that location on the N7 where there building a big new intersection, hence them felling all the trees to make way for it. Nonetheless the two of them were adding some logs to my fire to keep it going for a few days. You know me and my fires.

Johan Nagel sent me a photo of him and the owner of the gallery in the Waterfront. The gallery owner accepted his art to sell. It is so nice to be able to help and guide other fellow artists.

Check out these pieces form Johan.

Also last week, I forgot to mention that while we were visiting and staying with Chris and Engela in Klein Brak, Engela showed us their daughter, Anneke’s, art.

I immediately sent it to Henry in Sea Point. He loved it. I told Anneke to give up her day job.

One of Anneke's face paintings. I'm sure you'll agree there beautiful.


Hout Bay Gallery posted this piece on their Instagram page. My Blue Cat. Obeche Wood and Acrylic Paint.

My Green Cat.

Friday was another great day. Joanne was working from home, the skies had cleared and the sun was shining. There was a last glimmer of summer holding on until you walked outside, and the crisp air grabbed you. We all started work at 9am bar Joanne who was up bright and early and typing away at 7.30am with a big Richard Scott coffee. Nom nom.

After a shower it was full speed ahead. Angelique and Chad come over for a staff meeting while Joanne sat at the same table. The room looked like one of the Google offices. We once again discussed everything from sales to galleries to projects. Chad set up the new iPhone for the new business and then they were off to do deliveries around Cape Town and the peninsula.

On the way to Rossouw Modern in Hermanus.

I put another big “WEEKEND” log on the fire while Joanne cooked up a Nom nom Chicken Curry for us all to eat as the kids were home for the weekend to study.

Leonard sent me a few pic of The Kids Pot in Mitchell's Plain where I helped Shombie with a Richard Scott Bus Mural.

Smiles on Happy kids faces.

Healthy food to fill little belly's. Nom Nom.

I woke up Saturday morning with that groggy head again, but just decided to get up, stoke the fire and get Joanne a nice cup of what she calls Richard Scott Coffee.

Joanne went for a run while I potted around the house. She then made us all a nice scrambled egg breakfast and she was off to go shopping with Chad. I decided to get stuck into the blog as I did not want to end up like last week where I only published it on Monday.

Here is the description I put on Social Media about this piece that I posted in last weeks blog.


This piece started out as a brown paper wrapping around a tube. The tube contained a print that I sent to a client in Rotterdam. On it's way it got all sorts of customs stickers stuck to it and all sorts of shipping bills and FRAGILE stickers.

Months later after visiting the client in Rotterdam who had framed the prints inside the tube, I notice the empty tube in the corner of his office. I asked if I could have it back. I cut the paper off the tube and rolled it up and brought it all the way back to my studio in Cape Town, South Africa.

Back in Cape Town, I then added some of my art to it and so the “PACK IT LIKE A BOSS” series on paper started.

So, from that moment on 7th November 2016 to date I add a simple Graffiti Sprayed “My Girl” to the package.

Over the years I have seen hundreds of people who have done the same and cut the paper off the tube or cut the box and framed the piece.

It all started when I shipped about 20 crates of my art to a collector in Belgium called Jean Hermans around 2006. He took it upon himself to make me famous in Belgium. One day Jean asked me “Richard, what I am to do with all the empty crates?”

So, I decided that every time I created a crate for shipping, I would paint it so that the collector could also hang the crate. Once again, I have seen many of these pieces hanging on collectors’ walls.

Ok,  it's now Saturday afternoon and Joanne is still out shopping while I finish up here. The fire is still burning and it's lunch time. So time for some of Joanne's left over chicken curry.

Sunday was run on the beach and Boerewors rolls for lunch. We kept it simple.

Until next week.

r  i  c  h  a  r  d



Vorheriger Artikel Richard Scott Blog - 9th June 2024
Nächster Artikel Richard Scott Blog - 26th May 2024

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