This week was a bit of a blur. I am sure you will forgive me.
Here are the notes from my journal as I typed them:
Monday: Garden mock-up layout.
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Clean studio again. Andre Flowers. Collect Mervyn 200 plates etc….
Thursday I popped into town to get the last few things done for the week and Friday was gonna be a full blown “Last” sort out the house for the wedding.
I dropped Joanne off and headed to SHIFT for a double dose of Double Espresso to get my day going. Not that I needed it as I was already excited.
I did have a list of 10 things to do from signing prints to collecting beer to getting a haircut. The list went on.
After a full runaround I picked Joanne up and we headed off to do a few more things. Pick up suit and pick up cakes. Then it was off home and try get an early night.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday there was no text.
On Saturday Joanne and I got married. We was so focused on the wedding that everything took second place.
I will tell you the whole story this week.

So, until next week.
r i c h a r d
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