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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 24th March 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 24th March 2024

This week is probably the latest I have ever started to type the blog. Its only 14h45 and I am only starting now. Eeeeek. I have sent myself the photos as and when I take them, but here goes.

Monday I was focusing on that Backgammon board again. It has taken forever. I suppose the first one is always the longest and then once you mastered the art of making them they are a little quicker. I did have a huge long list of things to do and got stuck into them. It was 1million miles an hour. Richie left me the last of the tomato soup from last week’s Sunday lunch, which I had for lunch with Government Bread door stoppers. It was Nom Nom.

Nom Nom Richie's tomato soup and South African Government loaf door stopper.

I took a few pictures of the Candy Ana pool pillows as I wanted to put them up on the online shop before the thick of winter comes in.

Our pool, our paradise.

STOP right there

Testing varnishes.

Cleaning a stencil that has been used too many times.

Deciding on the size of the 2024 r  i  c  h  a  r  d Stamp. It's March and I have not done an original yet this year.

A collector sent a pic of some newly acquired works.

Tuesday was also a studio day. Hendrik had the cleaning up of the shop under control. I only had to pop in Friday to co-ordinate the last few things to be moved to the studio.

Wednesday was Hermanus day. First stop was Jay at Walker Bay for a quick hello.

Messing about with the famous Jay.

After Jay we were off to see the gang at Rossouw.

Hello Talita, thanks for reading my blog. I was chatting to Joshua in Hermanus on Wednesday and he was laughing explaining to me that he thought I was cheeky to type about every single thing I do each week. We had a good laugh as we both know you are reading it. Thanks Talita. Hee hee.

I also met a new artist Joshua has signed up called Leandro Solomons. He is from Namibia and uses thread to create portraits. It's very clever and he is selling fast so awesome. After a catch up, we went to the local Greek for lunch. I got to meet the owner and she asked me to sign my book she had of hers from 2005. We had one of each thing on the menu in small amounts. Then we were off back home after a nice long conversation with Joshua.

Hanging with the guys from Rossouw Modern. Roberon and Mario.

Always love to see Paul Du Toit's work.

Meet artist Leandro Solomons

With Joshua, Leandro and his works.

Thursday was a public holiday in South Africa, so Joanne and I decided to do a spring clean and send all the unwanted tables and couches to Ashbeys as the nice Gama Gama couch was coming back from the shop. The rest of Thursday was a blurr.

Friday we were lazy as Joanne has taken off a week from work. So, we continued our quest to spring clean the house. It was sole liberating. All the kids were surprised on Sunday to see a clean uncluttered house.

I also took the time to wash the spray-painted r letters I made in the studio before they go off to be sewn onto t-shirts. We both had an early night.

Me hard at work.

Saturday, we wanted to go to the Milnerton Market to go get some taps so I can finally finish the two bath’s off in the house. But before we went, I had a bit of a brainwave and came up with an idea that will save me the money. We were kinda on our way out, so we decided to go to the Market Anyway.

Milnerton Market time.

We came home via the shop to collect a few small things we couldn't fit in the car. It was time to cook. Joanne was in the mood for picked fish, as Easter was approaching. So, we ordered in some yellow tail and made up some picked fish and two jars of Joanne's dad’s picked onions in turmeric.

Spot the Tumeric.

Our Easter treat of pickled Fish.

Messing about while taking a photo of one of our Persian Carpets.

Sunday lunch was a braai. It was a bit of a tight fit around the slightly smaller table, but it worked. It was good to see the kids and spend time with them. They all scurried off ASAP as there was University tests and tasks to be completed except Angelina.

Until next week.

r   i   c   h   a   r   d




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