Monday we arrived back from Greyton. Tuesday was a great admin day. Lots got done. We were told to prepare for a big storm coming. Angelique and Chad popped over and we did the usual Admin, Sales and Strategy meeting. All I needed to do was to keep the big fire going.

Also add in the stickers and a key-ring. One lucky collector is getting this in his order.
Wednesday we finalized some of the circular 30 x 30cm pieces I have been painting over. I'll share a few pictures with you.

I so so so love taking my old paintings and turning them into new ones. I have this weird funny feeling when I do it It's a bitter sweet feeling between breathing new life into a work that has been in storage for so long vs. maybe one day regretting it as the original piece is actually a part of my career history.
Thursday we got stuck into doing some more Graffiti Cans for the Circular series and started prepping for new Gold pieces on the reverse side of a reject gold Silkscreen print. Joanne called me in a panic as she drove into a river of water after the storm the night before. She was fine and made it out without any damage to the car other than the front number plate falling off.
At work in my studio. Turning what would of been trash into money.
Friday, we both worked from home as the storm continued to lash us. There was reports of small floods all over Cape Town. I decided to hang up the two construction pieces of all the things to do in the stormy weather.

Working in the rain with Hendrik.

Joanne sneaking a pic from the Kitchen window.

Our Pool.

Zoom Zoom. The construction piece finally hung above the Richard Scott Mandy swimming pool. Lets see how long it can hang there before somebody buys it. What is your guess in days?
Saturday was the latest we got out of bed in ages. It was so stormy and raining that there was nowhere to go other than cuddle up in bed with a coffee.
Once we were up Joanne started potting around with the weekends cooking and I was in the studio spray painting some new gold “I LOVE YOU” works for the new Catalogue. I also managed to put up a few paintings around the house I have been meaning to put up for a while. Also, a nice feeling when you drilling and tinkering.

Bye Bye Mandy.

Applying the first layer to a gold "My Girl" Graffiti piece. This piece is done on the back of a reject Gold Silkscreen Tree Print. I will post the final pieces on next weeks blog.
Saturday evening we did the Shombie Bus Auction and it went well. Chad, Joanne and I made a great team. Thanks to the effort of Chad for putting it all together.
We helped raise R60 000 for his Charity. The storm kept lashing us and dialed down the temperature to near minus. That is not normal for us. The weatherman predicted snow and ice. It was nice as I got a huge fire going which kept us warm. Joanne fed us some mac and cheese. We only went to bed at midnight due to the auction.

SOLD!. Off to Germany.

So nice for me to help others in need with my art. Who would of thought 20 years ago that I would have such a powerful tool in the skill of my hands to create art to help less fortunate people. It is a great feeling and accomplishment to help others. These are the kids that Shombie and I support every month.
Sunday was make food and make more food as it was Sunday lunch with the kids and Ian, Joanne's brother. Joanne made her famous meatballs 2 ways, meat and a vegetarian version using lentils. I did the breads and sauces.

The food was scoffed by everyone and the week was done and dusted. Well not quite as Joanne and I sat by the fire after they left and soaked up our books.
Until Next Sunday.
r i c h a r d
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