I only got to post last week’s Sunday blog on Monday because we had an issue with our rental car at Heathrow airport which took a little while to sort out. At least I get to catch up today and write the Sunday blog from Joanne's sisters house in Leicester in the middle of England.

I had to post a pic of the Sunday Lunch Jane and Stuart made us from last Sunday.
Right, Monday we woke up and had a rest day in Pangbourne. We also popped out with Jane and Stuart to get a few supplies. Jane knows I like to top up with batteries and razor blades while I am here in the UK. They are a fraction of the price you pay in South Africa. Stuart and Jane made us a nice roast chicken and ribs for supper, and we were off to bed early.

I had to take the pic. Pangbourne is one of my favourite places in the world. For many many years it was my second home, thanks to Jane and Stuart, as I built a career in Europe.

Shopping Uncle Stuart Style. COSCO the only way.

Whoaaa, when last did you see these?

The View from our bedroom for 3 days. The English Countryside.

It's Autumn in England.

Busy bee like me.
Tuesday, we headed down to the Elephant for a coffee with James and Serina. It was nice to see them and Will, the new edition to the James and Serina’s family. We also had a quick business catch up as James has arranged the two exhibitions next week in London and then at Wentworth Golf Club.

Work, then play.

Joanne and I in the village.

There is a beautiful cheese Fromagerie in Pangbourne.
Then it was off to see Paul at Greens butchers and catch up with him. Also to get a few of their delicious pork pies and scotch eggs. We got two off each as you cannot go back to Stuart’s house without a pork pie from Greens in Pangbourne.
Joanne popped into the thrifting spots along the way, and we ended back up at the Elephant for a pint. Good warm flat British beer.

That's a sign for me.

Joanne thrifting, Angelina Scott style.

Nom Nom pork pie from Paul at Greens Butcher in the village.

Joanne an I walking home up the hill.

The famous passage-way that I have walked hundreds of times over the years on my way home from the train station from a days business in London.

Pangbourne has beautiful little houses.
The weather turned out really nice, so we sat playing cards in the sun and catching up with Stuart and Jane. Joanne got to forage in Jane’s vegetable garden and got us some runner beans and a long squash type vegetable. We were treated once more to a delicious dish. Fresh thick white cod on a bean and tomato sauce. It was delicious.

Jane showing us her Veggie Green house. Chock-a-block full this time of year.

Green Been Foraging.

Jane and Joanne showing off the spoils.

Lazy Sunny England days. All you need is good company and a nice glass of wine.

Supper. It does not get fresher.
Wednesday, we decided to have the Uncle Stuart special hot breakfast. I took the photo for Carl Smythe, who has had the honour of eating one.

You cannot buy this meal is any restaurant in the world. Uncle Stuarts Famous Hot Breakfast.
We then headed off to fetch the newly book car at Enterprise Rentals. What a breeze. Joanne packed up and we were off up north to visit my mom, dad, and sister.
The trip was ok as trips go. We arrived around four and unpacked and headed off to Paul's Fish and Chips. The best fish and chips in the world. Strangely enough we only ate it once while we were there. Last time I remember getting it three times. We popped over to see my mom and dad for a cup of tea and then sat round the table with Stewart and Angela and caught up.

Hello Stewart Morgan.

Joanne checking out the extensive menu at Paul's. Its now changed hands, but the fish and chips are still the same. I remember when Paul owned it. He was only open 3 days a week and all you could choose from was thick or thin batter. That is it. Only fish and chips and scraps and that was it.

Nom Nom Scallops. That is potato on batter. And cooked in dripping. The proper way.

A photo of Auto Vivendi. England's best Supercar club where my art hangs proudly. See you there Tuesday 3rd September.

First time I have seen this sticker on a car. Eeeek.
Thursday was up early and work work work. Joanne was cracking the whip and keeping the boat afloat and full steam ahead.

Happy 80th Birthday mom.
We booked a nice restaurant for my mom and dad and took them for lunch to celebrate my mom’s 80th birthday. The food was delicious.

The customary knock on the window to let mom and dad know we are here.

Lunch at The Bay Horse in Darlington.


Cute mini breads. Very delicious.

My Mom and Dad. Spending quality time with them.

Joanne opted for scallops.

Always get the pic.
Joanne convinced my mom and dad to head out to Redcar for a lemon top ice cream. I should have taken a bet with my sister as she said it was too far for my mom. But she did it and we walked the promenade proudly licking Redcar’s famous PACITTO’s lemon tops. I was chatting to a guy I spotted in PACITTO’s and asked him if he worked there. He said no, his dad owns it, and he will inherit is one day. It has been going for over 100 years and still in the family.

Redcar, here we come.

We got lunch, dad got dessert.

Like kids.

Living life.

Feels like 1950.

Taking a moment to tell Joanne I Love Her.

Redcar from the top of the vertical pier.
Then it was off home past all the little towns I recognised as a kid; Middlesbrough, Gisbrough, Nunthorp, Yarm, Thornby etc. My whole family was born up North.
We got home and Stewart and Angela had booked us at the local Thai restaurant THAIPAN. We ate the best Thai food outside of Thailand. Stewart introduced us to Lee and Apple the owners and chef. They have done wonders to make it happen. Such a beautiful restaurant.

Stewart and Angela doing what they do best. Ordering us a table full of delicious foods.

Very very tasty.

Joanne, Lee, Apple, Angela and Stewart.
Then we were off home.
Friday was my mom’s birthday, so we were of into town to get some flowers. We also popped into Taylors Butchery to get the worlds second best pork pie. LOL. Joanne and I still think the one we had last year in Epernay, France was the best one ever. I can still remember it now if I close my eyes.

Darlington town centre.

Getting the pic.

Please take us all home, Richard.

Flowers: CHECK. Pork pies: CHECK

One for Carl Smyth.
Then we popped over to wish mom Happy Birthday. She got a lot of calls and presents.

Pouring our mom a glass of Rose that Jane and Stuart bought her.

My mom.
After a cup of tea, we popped out to visit my cousin Paul in Leyburn. I could not remember when I last saw Paul, but he did remind me that they all came out to Sun City when we were teenagers.

Joanne, Paul and Ali.
Paul took us to a beautiful little restaurant called The Sandpiper where we caught up over lunch. Joanne opted for the Watermelon and Prosciutto and rocket salad, and I had the 3rd best burger in the world after Bertus’s De Vrije in Stellenbosch and Zuney Wagyu in Long Street Cape Town. The burger at The Sandpiper was a steak mince burger with onion and cheese. That is it. Deliciously simple.
We said our goodbyes and headed back home via all the back roads so Joanne and I could enjoy the English countryside.
We decided to go through the Yorkshire dales. WOW, what a beautiful part of the world. We did a bit of pub crawling in all the little villages. The beer was delicious. I asked the lady behind the bar in the Black Bull in Reeth which beers were local. She gave me a dirty look and pointed to five taps of beer that all looked delicious. Hmmmmm, I thought. Suddenly I looked around and then cleverly asked her “What do the locals drink?” Theakston, she said. So, Theakston it was. It was delicious. So, there were Joanne and I sitting in the local pub in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales, in the middle of England drinking Theakston beer. We took a moment to enjoy it all and soak it up.

The proof is in the pudding.

Exploring and living life to the fullest.

Spot a SCOTT.

The Love of my life, Joanne. Showing her the world.

An old photo of The Black Bull in Reeth.

A new photo.

Not sure why the sign is upside down.

CHEERS and cheers.

Nothing like a good pint of beer.

Next stop.

Almost home.
Then we were off to the next village, and so on until we popped out of this tiny village lane onto a main road that was jammed with traffic. It was a weird sensation.
We got home to a house that was decorated with HAPPY BIRTHDAY placards and the rest of the family all rocked up for a lekker braai, up north in England.
It was nice to spend time with mom on her special day.

Birthday party.

The crazy one of the family. my niece Shanece.

Angela and Stewart put on a good show.

Catching up with nephew Aidan.
Early night as the next day, Saturday, we were off to Leicester via Leeds to spend a few days visiting Joanne’s Sister Clarissa and her husband Paul and son, Luke.
We drove past Leeds where Megan lives. Megan is Joanne’s niece. We popped in to catch up over a cup of tea. Megan studied at the University in Leeds as did Shannon, my niece.

On our way.

Megan and Joanne.
Then we were off to Clarissa. It was a bit boring driving, as the English have made all motorways 50 miles an hour due to a major upgrade or something. Nonetheless, we made a few stops on the way. I at least managed to avoid the Motorway all the way to Leeds and once again drove through all the nice little villages.
We arrived at 4pm and unpacked and headed to the Black Dog for a pint of Tiger Beer which is also warm, flat, and bitter. But oh, so good.

The local.
Clarissa made us a Roast Chicken and we all sat around catching up in the lounge.
It is Sunday now and I am sitting at the dining room table with shorts and a t-shirt on. Paul made me a delicious breakfast and a cup of tea. Joanne and Clarissa are out doing sister stuff which is good for the soul. Paul is hacking away at a pair of crutches to make a gadget that will help his fishing rods stand up. He showed me a perfect pair of crutches that he said the hospitals do not take back after one-use due to you know what: “HEALTH AND SAFETY”. You have to love it how a first world country can waste so much money and they do not see it like us South Africans do. But we all love the British and England.
I will sign off now as I have to do some bookings. Joanne and I are in two minds to stay over in the Cotswolds or Bath or something just to have a few days to ourselves.
I guess you will find out next Sunday what we decided to do.
Until then, Thank you for reading.
r i c h a r d
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