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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 5th May 2024

Richard Scott Blog - 5th May 2024

I am sitting here Thursday afternoon typing the blog and I can’t remember what I did on Monday. I looked on my phone to see if there were any photos for reference but there were none. So I will book it  down to a typical end of the month Monday.

Screenshot of Angelina, me and Joanne video calling my mom and dad last week Sunday.

I do remember eating home made clear chicken and kale soup. It was so so delicious. I used the stock of a whole chicken I made last week.

Nom nom. Joanne cut up some jalapenos and they added the perfect bite.

Tuesday, I got the Backgammon board up onto the shop and did collections for the rest of the morning. I managed to finish off a Olive Tree I owed Neil and Tina Jewel.

Olive Tree, 75 x 75cm. Impasto and Acrylic on Canvas. Off to a new collector.

Tuesday lunch was some left over Dahl that Joanne made on Monday.

Wednesday was a public holiday in South Africa. Joanne and I wanted to go to Clay Café to collect the plates we did 6 weeks ago. So, we hopped into the car and had a plan. We first stopped to go see Henry in his new gallery in Sea Point and drop off one of the large Graffiti pieces on paper for a collector. Then we decided to go to the MOJO Market in Sea Point as Joanne has always wanted to try the food there. We opted for Korean. It was nice. We both stuffed ourselves.

Henry at his Sea Point Gallery.

Spending quality time with Joanne the love of my life. Exploring new places and making memories.

Meet the chefs at the Korean stand.

Nom Nom. Corn dogs and chicken bites and bao buns.

Always get the photo.

Then we were off to John at Hout Bay Gallery on our way to Clay Café. I arranged a meeting there with Johan, or Notts as he likes to be called. I introduced Johan to John of Hout Bay Gallery and John suggested his art will work well at the gallery in the Waterfront. Johan was ecstatic when he called me to tell me the Gallery likes and wants his work. So he just wanted to ask me some last minute.com questions about his new venture.

Catching up with John.

Johan and John.

I had to get the pic of this Paul Du Toit available at Hout Bay Gallery. You all know the story about him.

Joanne and the Hout Bay Gallery cat.

After cake and coffee to celebrate John’s 63rd Birthday we were off to Clay Café to collect the pieces and headed home to try have some what of a Public Holiday afternoon at home on the deck. We played Backgammon and watched the sun go down.

Thursday was a long but good day. I dropped Joanne off at work real early and went to ORMS print room to sign a print for a collector. It is one of the teal trees 1m x 1m. Then I headed off to collect Angelique as we had 3 appointments dotted around the Stellenbosch area. The first was to go see a specialist doctor to help me with that foggy head I get a few times a month. We stopped off at Rust En Vrede Art gallery for a coffee and breakfast as it was in the area. Angelique bought me breakfast and we got stuck into weekly updates and sales meeting. Rust en Vrede is a really nice establishment dedicated to art and mostly ceramics. I did a full blown exhibition there way back in the day when Monica was in charge. A lot of the Afrikaner locals didn’t like the show and I remember a lot of them expressed the feelings about my art in the visitors book.

Beautiful Little gallery with a great cause. I found the link on my archive. here it is: Click Here

Here are some of the photos:

I found the link on my archive. here it is: Click Here

After that we headed to see Henry at Lourensford art gallery to drop off some art with him. It was great to see him again.

Then we were off to see a collector at Die Kantien to have a lunch with him and his family. It was great to see them and explain the art world to the kids. Then off to go fetch Joanne. Her boss Craig was super busy so Joanne had to work late. I was fortunate enough to sit in the offices and type up my Blog 😊

 Greg, Shelia and his family.

Yeah, my art up in Bertus's Kantien.

Spot the Scott.

Ticking the boxes, slowly.

Then we headed home and had a nice early supper. Having public holidays mid week throws you out. We went to bed no later than 8.30 all week.

Friday morning, I had a studio tour which Craig and Juan arranged with a friend of theirs who loves my art. It was quite early as they were heading up the west coast past Melkbos for the weekend. The rest of Friday we chilled and made some plans about the house as we have someone who is interested in helping us sell it at a decent price. Looks like I will finally get to live in the Cape Town CBD.

Auto Vivendi posted on Social Media. I had to share here.

And another one. So beautiful.

Saturday, we popped out to the shops to run some errands then home and the rest of Saturday was a lazy day reading books and playing backgammon. I did potter a little bit in the studio and also doing some conceptual stuff RE Bronzes. Saturday night I posted a competition on Social Media to win a Richard Scott Wallet with Hout Bay Gallery. Go check it out if you have not entered already.

Pink Obeche and Acrylic Cat we finished this week. Available at Hout Bay Gallery.

Sitting Pink Cat.

Stickers on my daily diary and note book.

Back of Joannes phone

Back of my Asus Laptop.

Back of my helmet.

Creating a business on a small note pad. Watch this space.

Sunday was another lazy day in bed searching for properties in and around Cape Town. We were both too lazy to go for a run. So, its around 10.50 am and Joanne is cooking up a storm for Sunday Lunch, which is in honour of Amy as yesterday was her birthday. I'm typing the blog and downloading the photos from the week.

So, ill call it a day and post the blog.

Until Next Week.

r  i  c  h  a  r  d


Vorheriger Artikel Richard Scott Blog - 12 May 2024
Nächster Artikel Richard Scott Blog - 28th April 2024

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