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Weekly updates on what happend in Richard Art life in the last 7 days

Richard Scott Blog - 23rd March 2025

Richard Scott Blog - 23rd March 2025


Monday was jump in the deep end for Joanne and I, Mr and Mrs Scott, as we headed back to our daily routines. We were both actually looking forward to it.

I had to share this with you. It's the new Candy piece on a Spent High Road Wine Farm wine barrel.

I also did a limited print last week of a large square Candy Kevin's Girl. There are two more available.

Tuesday,  I once again headed into Cape Town as I always do on Tuesday. The plan was to go see John at Hout Bay Gallery and then Henry in Sea Point and The President Hotel where I will be doing a small POP-UP next week. (as you read this it will be this week)

The man himself, John Hargitai.

Photo of a Photo.

Spot the Scott.

Henry asked me to do him a set or two of the 20 x 20cm Candy Girls. I kinda stopped doing them, but he asked me so nicely, I agreed to doing three sets of three. So, if you want one, pop in to his gallery in Main Road, Sea Point.


Henry had a RESALE in his gallery of this beautiful large 150 x 150cm Original.

I did a small run around Sea Point while I was there getting some Dolmado's, one of Joanne's favourite foods. I wanted to surprise her when I picked her up, but I let it slip when she called me as I was ordering them at the SPAR counter. The SPAR in Sea Point is a good place to shop as they cater for the Jewish community and the spread of fresh food on offer is really good.

Working while I am being chauffeured around by Angelique.

As promised. Three sets of Candy Girls, in the making.

After the Sea Point stint, I picked Joanne up and we needed to do some grocery shopping. Then it was home, light supper and chill time. 

We binge watched that new series Adolescence. Well, I knew the kids in the UK were disrespectful, but it seems like the whole generation of them have taken control of their parents and teachers. Yikes, it reminds me of how I brought my kids up, the complete opposite.

Wednesday morning it was 33 degrees in Cape Town and we all know what that means: rain is on the way. As I type this on Sunday morning, it has been cold and wet for four days now. It is actually quite welcoming. The garden is green. The vegetables are sprouting and the fire is going in the house .

I asked Hendrik to polish the one small Bronze Ana black to see what it looks like. It needs to set/soak in for a week and then we will know.

Bronze and baking in the sun. Soon to be released.

I had to take this picture of a construction piece I am working on. Rusted nails and all.

Joanne and I are in two minds about a UK and Germany trip early May, tied in with a bit of a honeymoon. We have been toying all week and will make a final decision this week. 

Thursday was like a Friday as Friday was a Public holiday. Joanne and I made the best of it and stayed at home Friday.

Working like a boss. We had to get a series of 103 Cape Town prints out in 3 hours.

Measuring up the mounting board.

We finally found black dice for the Backgammon boards. Here I am writing a small note as I send off the dice to 2 clients that have boards already. I originally had to send them out with white dice only.


Friday, felt like a proper Saturday. We lazed about because of the public holiday. I was buying Crypto, and Joanne was doing some photo editing on her phone doing Deans 21st.

The love of my life, and now my wife, Joanne Scott. Sunset beach runs.

We made a call to go for a nice long run on the beach and then a delicious healthy breakfast on the deck. The weather changed and it was raining and foggy. My favourite weather. Although I doubt I could live in it 365 days a year.

We both did some potting, and I did some photos of artwork in the studio.

Saturday we went for our 7th run in 9 days, which was great, then we popped out to go see Christoph Sauser at the CAPE EPIC venue at Lourensford wine farm.

It was great to see him and catch up.

The world famous Christoph Sauser.

All week Joanne and I have been craving vegetable curry, so Joanne made a whole batch that lasted us until Sunday. It was delicious.

Sunday was up early as the kids were here, and we got them all to sit at the breakfast table. Not bad for 3 students studying for exams at UCT.

Joanne and I spent a good hour in the vegetable garden, cleaning and foraging for our spoils.

The rest of Sunday was “try and do absolutely nothing”.

Until next Sunday, thank you for reading.

r  i  c  h  a  r  d


Here is one better than some wedding photos, a video: 



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